

I’m going to be 30 later this year. I’ve been in banking (different positions) for over 12 years.... my current role serious in regards to regulations. However, I’ve been in it for almost 2 years and I’ve been doing the same tasks the entire tine. The other employee who should be training me isn’t. I’m thinking it’s because of job security... we finally got a third person added to our team, and I’m training her. And now we are both just about at the same place... my manager is aware of lack of training I’ve been receiving and wants it to happen. However my manager also relies on her pretty heavily for assistance with reporting and whatnot. I’m to the point where I want to through my hands up. Is that wrong? To add to this feeling, my boyfriend of 3 years works for the same company and recently got a huge promotion, and due to work policies, we can’t live together but can date (stupid I know). But this seemed to be my opportunity to start looking elsewhere. Which is making me feel “ what’s my purpose in life, what am I meant to do.” I need some advice, what should I do? Should I start over career wise for something different, or look outside for similar positions, or have a meeting with my manager and be upfront? Help!