Birth control


So I started birth control April 2019. I haven’t been on anything for about 5 years, any way the first week on the new Birth control (seasonique) I started spotting which lasted two months 😓 after the 2nd month I was doing fine but then I would randomly notice random bleeding that wouldn’t last very long. Once I got towards the end of my pack I forgot to refill my prescription on time and I went 3 days without taking any birth control once I finally got the new pack I started bleeding all over again and so far it’s been a month now. This time the blood is bright red like a period but I know it’s not my period, my boyfriend and I have sex in the shower a lot to save us from having a huge mess. But I know it’s not what he wants to keep doing and of course I feel bad. I don’t know what to do at this point.. should I continue waiting it out to see if the bleeding will eventually stop, or should I switch birth controls again. 😩