Anyone struggling to breastfeed?!


So I feel a little alone. It’s day 6 and while my “milk” has come in, it’s not fully in. I saw 3 lactation consultants and had 6 different nurses help me in the hospital. Then hubby and I paid for 1 lactation Consultant outside of the hospital that was very reputable in our area. Turns out once baby was weighed she wasn’t gaining anything with feedings. I have an extremely low milk supply. I’m pumping and putting baby to breast as instructed. We’ve bought formula to feed her and she doesn’t have nipple confusion. She’s doing really well actually... just caught me off guard. I never thought I wouldn’t be able to feed my baby. I cried so hard yesterday and hubby was so incredibly supportive. It just stinks big time.

Do we ordered Fenugreek and Goats Rue per the lactation Consultant instruction. Plus I’m drinking mothers milk tea x4 times a day and eating my oatmeal. We plan to go to the grocery store to get fixings for my doctors favorite lactation cookie recipe.

Cheers to all you moms out there trying hard to feed your baby!!!