Pregnant with an overbearing mother


Everyone (my SO and mom ) have been telling me since I been pregnant I’ve been bitching and complaining a lot.

I don’t think so. I’m 30 weeks pregnant and I just been getting annoyed by shit that I have the right to bitch/complain about.

For example .) My SO was getting mad because his ass was coming home hella late, comes home drunk. This last time which is why I’m currently at my parents is because he didn’t come home until the next morning. He claims he was drunk and slept in the car rather than come inside and me be pissed off. I left and stayed with a friend, the day after I came to my parents house, so I’ve been here for a week now.

As for my mom: my baby shower is this Saturday and anytime she ask for my opinion and I tell her it’s me complaining 🥴. So now whenever she ask me something I’ll tell her whatever she wants to do, or whatever will be easier for her AND of course it’s me giving her attitude and not a fucking direct answer. 😤😤😤 I’m just so annoyed with everything and I’m at the point where I just wanna have my baby and move from everyone.

Last night my mom got mad because my dad was asking me what’s my plans with the baby since I’m going back home and I live 6 hours away. He was actually concerned and was saying I’ll eventually need my moms help. It pisses me off when my mom jumps in and starts saying I act like I’m not gonna be tired or need anyone’s help. The whole conversation turned into me thinking I know it all, and act like I wouldn’t need help. Little does she know I don’t wanna move back because I know she’s going to try and tell me what to do, or take over.

She gets mad and says she’s going to stay with me and my SO for a few weeks after the baby is due; which I would be ok with but every time something comes out her mouth it’s related to me complaining, I have no patience, me acting like I know everything....its draining how she keeps telling me this is my 1st baby and I gonna need her help so damn bad. I understand that but I’m having this baby and want to be the mother, not told what to do.

I’m 28. I’ve been teaching for years and yet she acts like I’m not capable of doing anything. She acts like I’ve never been around babies/kids nothing. I’m so emotionally tired, and now I’m not excited about the baby shower at all.