Lo lestrin fe causing prolonged period?


This is my first period (not postpartum bleeding) after having my second baby two months ago.

I’ve always had heavy bleeding/longer lasting periods, and they have always been extremely irregular — 3+ months between cycles.

I started spotting on the 19th, started heavily bleeding on the 21st. The bleeding stopped the morning of the 29th, started again that afternoon, and was basically gone again that night.

I didn’t bleed at all yesterday (the 30th), wasn’t bleeding early this morning (the 31st), but have started heavily bleeding again (small clot included).

I started birth control this month and am on the last few pills (the sugar pills)— I haven’t been on birth control in 4 years. I’m wondering if maybe that is the reason for such a hectic cycle? Or could it just be because it is my first period postpartum?