You know what sucks!?

My attitude..

Like I can't help but be extremely irritable right now although I know everything's going to work out

1. I'm sick and tired of getting negatives... 2+ years 😡

2. I know it sounds Petty but I'm sick and tired of hearing about people that don't want to have kids getting pregnant... dafuq😤

3. I'm tired of being tired and never getting help at home with cleaning or taking care of other necessities such as homework with children etc😴

4. I'm sure we could all agree I'm sick and tired of being poor LOL😓

5. Although we had an extremely eventful summer I'm tired of not having food in my house and having to wait till payday🤤😫

6. I'm also tired of every female being so negative about every damn situation. Not every guy is cheating on you not everything has to be negative in a relationship just because it's not picture perfect🤦‍♀️

I seriously need to get an attitude check because I am just a Negative Nancy atm