How many times are you filling your LO's sippy/bottle in 24 hrs? (Plz read)



Im a FTM so im not sure what's "normal" my daughter self weaned from breastfeeding a few weeks ago and now only has sippy cups. I feel like shes drinking A LOT. I swear she drinks at just 6 cups full of whole milk or water during the day and then has 1-2 mor cups full of water throughout the night. She'll literally wake up and cry and point to her cup. When I give it to her you can seriously hear her gulping it down. Granted the bedroom she sleeps in gets very warm at night so that could be part of the issue. Diabetes runs in the family which is why im a little concerned. When she was breastfeeding she would have about 6 wet diapers a day and more she has about 10 I'd say. She's been peeing through her diapers at night pretty regularly as well. In a3 hour period tonight, she drank 3 cups full of water. Is that normal?? She eats 3 good sized meals a day and doesn't have any snacks. Not because I don't let her but because she eats so well at meal times I don't ever notice that shes hungry in between them. She's not overly irritable and we haven't noticed any sweet smelling urine or breath. She never acts "drunk" and she's not fatigued

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