Hot as fuck

Ash • Mommy to Sterling 10 October 16 Jensen 25 August 19

Just a little rant 😣

It’s currently 3:30am and it’s 85 degrees in my house but feels in the 90’s. So sticky and gross and hot. Our ac decided to break tonight. We are in the middle of the summer in San Antonio Texas so it’s hot as hell even though it’s night time. And to top everything off I’m 35 weeks pregnant. So I have an internal cooker that already makes me feel hotter! We opened all windows and I stripped my toddler down in his sleep so he doesn’t over heat. I know obviously it’s the middle of the night nobody can do anything but our landlord better get someone out to fix it in the morning because I will not do another night like this. It’s hot I’m sticky and miserable. Plus I have pregnancy insomnia and heartburn that won’t let me sleep along with being to hot to sleep comfortably anyways. Just wanted to bitch moan and complain about that. Thanks for listening 😟