Friend posting naked baby pictures online - please read

Amy • UK 🇬🇧 Married 💍 Mummy to Emilie 👶🏻 Secondary Teacher 👩🏻‍🏫

Hi everyone, if this isn’t the right place to post this please let me know, but I wanted to post in a number of different groups so I can get a range of answers and advice.

My husbands cousin and his wife are quite non-traditional. They’ve spent a lot of their own relationship travelling the world, both together and separately. Not really into technology massively etc. They have a 6 month old son and have very recently got married and got a house. This doesn’t seem like it should be relevant but bear with me.

His wife is born in England but her mum is Filipino and they’re over there currently visiting her family with their son. She’s uploading all these pictures to Facebook of what they’re doing each day and it looks wonderful, except two of the pictures are of their son completely naked.

The pictures are actually beautiful and I can understand why they’ve taken them, he’s really laughing, playing with them next to this rock pool on a beach. I have nothing against them having him playing naked if that’s what they want to do, and nothing against them having these beautiful pictures of wonderful holiday memories for their own personal collection. But I’m concerned that they have uploaded them to Facebook. The law in the UK (where we are all from) is really strict about this - it technically can be charged as creation and distribution of child pornography. It could affect their custody of their son, it would definitely affect my husbands cousins job (he’s a teacher), plus - once it’s on the internet you never know who’s hands it’s gotten into! Anyone could have found that and saved it. There could be perverts using that photo. I know we think we know our Facebook friends but you literally never know what goes on behind closed doors. I know they have done this because it’s an innocent beautiful photo but I feel they’re being really naive.

So I feel in a real moral dilemma here, do I:

a) anonymously report it to Facebook? This way, i don’t have to have the awkward conversation with them and seem like I’m coming off as judging their parenting skills; however as it’s child nudity and not just nudity, I’m worried that Facebook may then contact the police. Do they do that? I don’t want them to get into trouble with the law about this, as like I said I really believe they’ve done it totally innocently and naively

b) talk to them? This will be awkward. They will think I’m judging them. Worst case scenario they fall out with us and the pictures stay where they are. Best case scenario here is that they remove them and don’t fall out with us but knowing them like I do I think this is really unlikely, and not only is he my husbands cousin but he’s like a best friend too.

c) stay out of it. This would be my easiest option but my conscience is screaming at me here. What if a paedophile gets their hands on this picture? Or even if their son grows up and realises his parents hundreds of Facebook friends saw him naked without his permission?

I really need some advice here. Please help

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