So sad

🦄 • 🤱🏻👨‍👩‍👦

I won’t get into the whole long amazing breast feeding journey we have had. But after all that hard work. My supply is dropped to next to nothing. I can feed twice a day at most and it’s not enough to satisfy him. He’s mostly on formula. And he has struggled with weight gain and growth. I guess I have to give up on breast feeding and I never knew it would hurt my heart so

Much to admit defeat and that o couldn’t keep going. Everyone says you don’t under produce if you do everything “right”. But I’m here to tell you. That is a lie. Nobody tried harder then me. I wanted this so bad. And I only got to directly breast feed for a month. I’m just so heart broken that at 5 months old, it seems our breast feeding journey is over. 🤱🏻😭