Better numbers in 3rd trimester?

Noradun • 🌸Due in Sept 2019 with 🌈 after TTC 3.5 yrs with PCOS👣Mommy of 5 💑 Married for 14 yrs👩🏼‍🎓Graduating in 2019 👩🏼‍💻 WFH Mom 🌼

I vaguely remember hearing that blood glucose peak in the 3rd trimester? Have any of you found this to be true? I am self-diagnosed, unmedicated, with fasting numbers as high as 120 and day time numbers as high as 150! 5-6 wks ago I saw very little difference in what I hate in regards to numbers! I could do perfect eating one day and have a fasting of 100 and eat the same the next and it would be 120! I got very discouraged! This week however, my levels have been very steady! Under 120 1-2 hrs after meals and under 110 (I know still elevated for fasting but better) for fasting! Curious if anyone else who is non-medicated noticed this? I even incorperated whole grains back into my diets with success!! So I am super excited and hopeful this continues!! I will be 33 wks Saturday!! My babies generally come between 38-39 wks natural, I am excited for our 4th homebirth!! Only 5ish more weeks to go!!