Baby came right at 41 weeks pregnant!


Maverick William born at 1:38am on 7/30/19!! Birthing story below! 😍

I was In prodromal labor for 3 days, Monday morning I started having more intense contractions, I tried to keep myself busy but these were really hurting, luckily had I had a doctors appt that morning as I was 40 +6 and scheduled for an induction that next morning. I went into my appointment and doctor checked me said I was a solid 5cm dilated and 100% effaced! I was 1cm and 60% effaced dilated 3 days contractions weren’t consistent so I went home after the appointment, I ate some lunch and then BAM! I started having more frequent contractions, I honestly didn’t keep exact track but they were coming at a steady rate.. so I told my husband that I needed to go to the hospital to get some type of pain management because the hot showers were not helping anymore. They only way I stayed sane was to bend over my bed and rock back and forth. Then the pain just started getting worse, I couldn’t stand straight and it hurt to walk, came to the hospital were my doctor was about to send me home! I refused and said “the you need to give me some drugs because I can’t sit still, I’m shaking in pain” nurse called back and then doctor decided to admit me! I got my epidural within 15 minutes, I went from 5cm to 7cm, doctor came in and broke my water and about 4 hours later I was 10cm, my epidural started to wear off on my left side, so I did a practice push and did really well and was ready to push, I didn’t want to until my epidural was fixed, anesthesia came in and fixed it, I pushed for 40 minutes and he was here !!! ❤️❤️❤️