Stress relief or stressed added on?


So a little back story.

My husband and I moved out of state away from our home state and family. We moved with our daughter 10 hours away to be away from family and closer to my step son who’s in Georgia. Well we had been here a year and my grandma and I joked about her moving down here with us for a few different reasons. 1 being my grandpa has dementia and is a lot to handle, it’d financially be better for her, secondly my family hadn’t seen her in over a year and never called or texted and she wanted to be in the grandkids life ( my kids are her only great grandkids since I’m the only one of five that have kids lol)

Well she moved down things were great, we agreed she’s just pay half food and partial rent( that was her idea not ours) the second month of her being here, she was over taking her meds (she’s on a bunch but the pills were xanax) she was doing it on purpose, and as the month have gone one I realized i wasn’t the only time she did. Anyway she had many many weeks of signs she was having strokes(another reason she moved here was so I could make sure she was taken care of) she refused medical treatment: she was falling all over even into my kids, off the porch getting bloody and bruised up, had no sense of balance, doesn’t remember what was going on for weeks at a time, she gurgled her words slurring really bAd, she wasn’t eating and what not. Well then after that stuff was still going fine then another month she over took pills and was out half the month . Then her attitude started about everything every little thing she bitched about. She was mad we have kids and our house is never fully “clean” she was mad we wouldn’t say goodbye when we had errands, she started accusing my husband of stealing my grandpas tools (that she wanted in his big tool box ) but he gave them to her and she yelled and screamed those weren’t theirs😨 well then she started calling him names and a loser and lying to people all over Facebook about what was going on so they would feel bad for her. It’s been a mess. Well that was last month.

Now everything was going good. ( she hadn’t paid rent or food last month but everything was still good) She started talking to everyone again, she had bought a little food last week and then asked me what the plan was cause obviously living together wasn’t working I told her I don’t wNt her to go back to our home state I wanted her to stay here, just live near us. She didn’t say anything. I told her I want her in my kids lives, I want her here and there wasntanything up there for her anyway...

Today I woke up and she told me well did your husband tell you the good news, we are moving back to our home state this week. It’s 1:30 and she found out she is moving tomorrow back to our home state. I’m devastated. Hurt and angry.... but ultimately obviously she knows what she wants to do and I wouldn’t change that for anything. She is breaking my heart and our kids who are so attached to her.... but I’m not sure if I’m relieved or more stressed . Mine you I’m 28 weeks pregnant. I know things weren’t working great but we figured she’d stay and want to be here but nope... now I’m going to worry cause no one is there to take care of her or help her..... but there’s a part of me thats kinda relieved .. I’m so torn between emotions right now 😓😥