Names too similar Leo/Leon

Hi all I'm expecting my baby boy in November and I want to call him Leo as that has been my favourite name for so long but my problem is my Nephew's name is Leon. Would it seem strange?🤔

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It is what it is. They're just cousins. It would be different if they were siblings


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If you are at all close to your nephew and his parents, I would avoid this. I do find it too similar.


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My daughter name is Cairo and my nephew name is Kiryn. When I was pregnant and we decided on that name I didn't even realize how similar they were until she was born. Oh well.


Mallory • Aug 5, 2019
And my neices name is Kaiya so they all have a similar ring to it.


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I pressed no but i like


Posted at
Not strange but could get confusing and annoying at family gatherings. My mum and my cousin have the same name but they are called Big and little followed by their name , so its never been confusing.