My jealously is showing

Ashley • Happily married, have a wonderful son, and a sweet baby girl 💜

So I've been working a crap ton of hours to set aside money for when I'm on maternity leave to cover the bills that I normally take care of. I have a major work deadline in 1 week and then I have to do intensive training with 3 people to train them on what I do so everything is covered when I'm out (I work from home and when we move cross country in November I'll be going back to the office). I'm currently 35+4 and I truly appreciate that they decided to wait to hire new people for me to train 1 week ago **sense the major sarcastic tone** they ignored my request to start training in June even though training over webcam and phone calls is significantly slower than training in person.

My husband on the other hand has the next 2 weeks off and wants to set up for the baby and do all the baby prep.

I just want to switch places 😂

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I told my boss about me going on maternity leave (here in Canada we get one year) back in February! And asked her to have someone start in latest beginning of July as my job is very complicated & a lot of things I am the only one that knows how to do it. The rest of my team works across the country so there is no way they can train. Well... she procrastinated & my replacement started this past week & my last day of work is next Thursday. It’s been a shit show this past week, I am going to be nowhere near done training him. A few other colleagues from my office from other teams have offered to show him what I don’t have time to once I’m gone thank goodness. But it’s been super stressful. But at the end of the day, we have to think... everything will work out. We got this!