Formula help


Hey all. I am looking for some help before asking my pediatrician about switching formulas. Max was born at 35w6d at 3lbs11oz. At his 2 month check up he was up to 8lbs5oz and he’s now 12 weeks.

He’s been on similac neosure since he was born. We’ve had a lot of issues with reflux (screaming, crying, stiffness during feeds) and more recently he’s been throwing up. He’s been on medication which helped with the general fussiness but the throwing up has gotten really bad. It comes out his nose, seems to choke him, and the scary part is that it’s completely silent. I’m afraid it will happen while he’s sleeping. I’ve been reading that neosure can be hard on babies with sensitive tummies. I was lactose/allergic as a baby so I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a dairy intolerance. Any suggestions? Or similar stories? I appreciate your responses!

Photo of Max 🤗