Baby poop saga



For the last four hours or so, my baby hasn’t stopped pooping! They come in tiny amounts then we change him, and boom there’s more. does this constitute diarrhea? Yesterday we noticed he started getting a little rash around his bum. I’ve tried calling the nurse on call but no one is picking up 🙄 he’s also grunting a lot but feeding well

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I just had similar thing last week and even scheduled appt with pediatrician in the morning cause I was so concerned!She said if it was diarrhea poop or pee will be more green color or any other color than usual BM. Also temperature, if smth wrong with the baby their temp will go up instantly. But call your nurse to be sure ofcourse.Funniest thing is next day he didn’t poop for 24hrs and I was ready to call them again lol, but decided to give him some time and in the night he literally gave us a shitshow 😂😂


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Is he farting too? I remember with my first that almost every diaper change had a tiny bit of poop, like every fart was a shart. I used diaper cream quite a bit for the first month.


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My son does the same and im EBF. Sometimes I have to change him like every 10 minutes for a little spot of poop lol


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My son does the same. Its like a volcano. Sometimes we end up using 3 or 4 nappies within the hour. Are you breastfeeding? It makes it looser and a breastfed baby poos more than formula fed baby.