Lost 12 pounds in 1 month!

Brianna • 10/21/17💍 1/31/21💙 1/26/24🎀

I’m so proud of myself and going to keep pushing myself until I reach my goal weight. My goal is to be 150. So far I’ve lost 12 pounds in 1 month and all I’ve been doing to watching my calories on this app called MyFitnessPal ( Blue Under Armour app )

Also I’ve cut back on eating out so much. My husband and I are ALWAYS on the go so cooking at home hasn’t been easy but we are trying. Just cutting back on eating out alone made me feel so much better I don’t feel so bloated and exhausted all the time now.

My husband just started using this app too and he’s lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks. So proud of him too!

I highly recommend you try this app if you are wanting to lose weight.