
So tired of people who I thought were my friends being complete assholes because "I'm not over" my daughters death even though it's been 3 years. I'm uncomfortable in so many situations, so when it comes to going to the town I lived in with her until she passed, when he comes to being around people who have publicly shown their distain and hate for me, I opt out of the situation and explain to them why I won't make it, and how sorry I am but it's not ideal and I can't deal with what would happen being around it all. But I'm the asshole, I'm insensitive and I need to grow up and "move on" from her. Meanwhile these people have kids that were born just a few months apart from my baby girl. It's so fucking hard, and just because it's been 3 years or 30 doesn't mean I'm just going to "grow up and move on" from her.p

Edit; thank you ladies for your love and support, she was an amazing little girl and my heart hurts so much still as if it was just yesterday. She was 4 when she passed, and I was pregnant with my second child when it happened. I've completely cut contact with these people, even if it makes me feel more isolated I know it's for the better.