“Stealing” groceries

My mom and I were checking out as per usual at Walmart. As we were leaving, I noticed some of the things on the belt wasn’t scanned and put into bags for us. I pointed it out to my mom, and she tried to shrug me off like I was wrong. I said “no, look behind you. He’s scanning it out for that lady.” My mom goes back, grabs the bags and explains to the guy that the groceries were ours, and somehow got mixed up. The lady looked over at me and said “oh, so THATS why you were giving me a look huh?” Why didn’t you speak up???? Why were you willingly going to pay for groceries that you knew weren’t yours???? The guy got pissed off and accused us of trying to steal groceries, and telling us we were supposed to put two dividers between the meats and drys. WHAT????

We again, had to explain they were ours before paying, and finally leaving. He gave me a disgusted look before I walked off.

Some people don’t deserve to be managers if they don’t know what the hell they’re doing.