Were the Old Wives right?

Kira • TTC 1st for 15mons and I finally had my BFP!

I thought this would be fun. How many of these gender predictions were actually right for you? Write out your answers and what you’re having vs what the prediction say!

I personally don’t know the gender yet (only two more weeks!)

-Calendar says boy

-Heard rate says boy (178 last time)

-I’m craving salty-boy

-Morning sickness, yep! Means girl

-Dads maintained weight, so boy

-My emotions, mostly happy, but I’ve for sure had mood swings. So maybe girl?

-My skin, breakouts! Girl

-Headaches, just recently, boy

-Carrying, I think high, but I’m not sure, so girl

-My intuition, I say girl

-Age+month, even, so boy

-Left side sleeping, boy

-Nose shape, the same, so girl

-Belly shape, I think wide, girl again

Most sighs point to boy, so we will see!!