UPDATE Hopefully a baby soon!

y🤦‍♀️ • Boy mom x2 +a bonus boy , expecting our first girl🥳

Had my bloody show, followed by consistent 5 min apart contractions, went to get checked, im 3cm dilated, and only .5 cm thick, so they gave me the option to stay or leave, as my other labours were very quick and she said once my water breaks baby is going to come fast. We decided to leave and grt stuff done so i can move around. So hopefully have a baby by morning!


So i got sent home as i wasnt falling into their "in labour " category. Only to go back 2 hours later to find out i was dilating fast without regular contractions. Got admited, an hour later i was checked and was 8cm, 40 minutes after that she was born!. So was an extremely quick labour.