Does he like me or???? PLS HELP ASAP

so long story short, i’ve met up with this guy like 3 times since the beginning of july (last time i saw him was 2 weeks ago). i’m 17 and he’s 20. the first time he took me out for lunch then we went tanning lol and ended off kissing, second time nothing more happened than kissing. the last time we took things further and he fingered me and i gave him a blowjob (it was my first time) . but since the fingering hurt sm i kinda had to tell him it was the first time and then i said i was a virgin but we continued and finished and when we got back home it was a bit quiet but we ended off kissing goodbye. he looks at my snapchat and instagram story and stuff but hasn’t said a word since, do u think i scared him off by saying i’m a virgin because he may think i’m prude or something? not that i am but just never had a bf or anything like that before. but i hit him up for the first time last thursday asking to go to the club friday night and he said he would get back to me then hits me back friday evening saying “it’s not happening tonight.” i’m rlly tryna just not it let me bug me but idk i’m starting to feel really insecure and i just don’t know what to do. i even did like these private story stuff on instagram to try to get his attention but nothing whatsoever. ALSO. when we last hung out his parents called him while we were in the car asking where he was but i guess he was supposed to be home studying but they specifically asked who he was with and he was like “with a friend” but never specifically said my name and i didn’t think of it on the spot till i got home or either way i would’ve questioned him. but yet the second time we hung out he brought up and asked if my parents knew about him and i said yes and then he says good cause my parents know about u. if this isn’t true why would he make up a lie randomly like that bc i didn’t hint anything like that... ughhhh someone help ASAP!