I'm 35 years old , my best friend and I have been friends since Elementary school !!

We both are teachers . My best friend is a Math Teacher and myself I teach history... (Different schools)

She has been seeing a guy we will Call Mason for 7 years throughout their relationship , I have had no boyfriends (only little flings here & there).

We also live in the same commuinty...

Two years ago Mason & I began hooking up (secretly) of course .

-I hate this -

-He hate this -

But we truly love each other

We love the time we spend together even if most times its the three of us & SEX isn't involved.. When we all hang together

When im over at their house he will offer to walk me home to just to make sure I'm safe .During these walks we talk about everything.. (We stay 1 block apart in a housing division)

Last night he told me that he loves me and is ready to leave her ...

He want us to get married!! I want us to get married !! but we dont know how to tell her ....

We are truly soul mates and it was love at first sight for both of us

I want my friend to be happy!!! & throughout her relationship with him all she do is complain . the things she complain about I love...

This weekend we plan on telling her ...

We plan on being open and honest

Because that's what true love is about

We are going to tell her everything

How it started how it blossomed and ultimately how we FEEL..

I know this could be considered wrong

I know that she will hurt but my questions is


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