Gestational Age vs Fetal Age?

Hi ladies. Based on my LMP, I’m supposed to be 8 weeks 3 days pregnant today. However, I did not ovulate until around cycle day 18-20 (I received a positive opk at cycle day 18). When I went for my first ultrasound this morning, they told me that the baby is measuring more like 7 weeks 4 days with a strong heartbeat of 145 bpm. It kind of worries me that the baby is measuring 6 days behind, even though I know I didn’t ovulate until later in my cycle, whereas LMP assumes you ovulated exactly 14 days after the first day of your last period. My question is, which is more important? Gestational age or fetal age?

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Babies all implant at different times, that's why your first dating ultrasound is most accurate, usually a doctor wont change your due date from you lmp though unless you are measuring more than a week behind or ahead. Dont worry about it! 💕


A • Aug 7, 2019
They did change my due date from March 14 to March 20.


Posted at
At my first ultrasound it was 10 days off from when it said I would be from my lmp. She moved my due date from October 7th to October 17th. She said it is perfectly normal and I just ovulated later in my cycle. I'm almost 30 weeks now and she is growing just fine and doing great.


A • Aug 7, 2019
Thank you so much. It helps because i know i ovulated later because i got an opk on cd 18. So glad you and your little one are doing well 💕


Posted at
This was exactly my situation. I got my due date moved a week based on my fetus's actual age due to a late ovulation. Your dr moved your due date because that's more important. Lmp is a convenient way to get an approximate due date based on a totally average cycle, but when your cycle isn't average, the dating ultrasound will tell you what you're really looking at in terms of due date.


A • Aug 7, 2019
Thank you! Yes, LMP assumes you ovulate exactly 14 days after your last period but due to my religious opk tracking, i know i didn’t ovulate until at least cycle day 18. Then you have to account for implantation time as well. It helps to know others are in my same situation ❤️ hope all is well for you and your baby.