24+2 with 1.6 cm cervix


Hi ladies I've just been prescribed progesterone to stop preterm labour as my cervix is so short, just wondering if anyone has had this and how far they have made it to before giving birth?

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I take progesterone shots but I also have a cerclauge stitch in. So I cant say how far you can make it on just the shot but it does help. I made it to 38w5d but was induced because pre eclampsia. Sorry wish I could give you more info. I do know when I got my cerclauge last time my cervix was 2.5 and at the end with the progesterone and stitch it was 4.1


Amanda • Aug 7, 2019
Leave it to me to be that 1 complicated person. He gave me tylenol 3 for the pain


Amanda • Aug 7, 2019
I get put out under Anastasia for it cause I dont do stuff in my spine. But yes when I wake up (had it done 4 times all together) it is painful. But later that night it gets better. The next day definitely better. It hurts but worth it. I get them at 14 weeks usually. I had to get it done again yesterday at 17 weeks cause mine fell out. But that never happens the doctors said I was the first ever lol


Cristina • Aug 7, 2019
I’m about to go thru the same thing. I’m only 11Weeks and already scheduled for a Cerclage on Monday. Was it painful? How was the procedure?


Posted at
Hi Rene, the shortest my cervix got down to was 24 on progesterone and I was working full time. I got put on bed rest + progesterone and it went up to high 30s. I’m now 37 weeks and stopped the progesterone last week at 36 weeks. Are you on bedrest? Bedrest and progesterone seemed to work for me. Good luck


Je • Aug 8, 2019
Hi Rene, I’m glad the hospital will monitor. It would definitely be hard to be on bed rest with young children at home. Hope you’re still able to not do as much so that this little one stays in a bit longer. I’ve heard NICU can be really stressful especially with also having other kids at home. Sending you prayers and positive vibes. Hope the baby cooks for a bit longer. Take care


nae • Aug 7, 2019
Hey Jemina, no I'm not, the hospital will do another scan next week to see how things are looking after a week of the progesterone. I have 2 older children 7&4 and they are a handful lol and I work from home so I'm just hoping there isn't a change, my son was born at 27 weeks and my daughter I had a shorter cervix but not this short so early. So I'm getting my head around another NICU baby :( it's super stressful?! I assume they will monitor me weekly from here or every 2 weeks


Posted at
Mine was about 1.7 at 24 weeks and I was put on progesterone. It dropped to 1.5 by 25 weeks and they inserted a pessary and I continued the progesterone. I was put on bedrest at home starting at 24 weeks. I am not 32w3d. My cervix has remained about 1.5 give or take. I’ve gotten it monitored weekly at the hospital. 32 weeks is the last week that they check because they said if it is stable it likely remains the same until 34. My cervix definitely funnels and pushing super hard against the pessary but luckily seems to stop right around that 1.5 cm mark and doesn’t get much shorter. They are continuing to monitor me for other issues but will take my pessary out at about 36 weeks unless I go into labor before then. The doctor yesterday said it’s definitely still a possibility. Once the pessary comes out I can go back to moving around freely. It’s definitely super scary at first. Will you be monitored weekly? Have you asked about a pessary?


Lisa • Aug 8, 2019
Sorry hit send. It looked a little like a donut. It wraps around my cervix and holds sit into place. I guess it’s an alternative if you are too late to have the stitch. I don’t even know if there is enough research to support that it works but it doesn’t hurt so we were willing to try. They place it while you’re awake and it really hurts! And then they remove it at 36ish weeks and apparently that hurts worse. But I’d be thrilled to make it that far. Here’s hoping you make it to 32 and beyond!!!


Lisa • Aug 8, 2019
Oh my. I’m sorry this is happening again. So scary all over again. My doctor told me if I want to get pregnant Gaian they’ll put a stitch in at 14 weeks in preparation. I don’t know if you will want more children but I wonder if that will be an option next time so you don’t have to do this again. I have this actual rubber thing called a pessary. I think if you google it you could see an image. They explained that it looked a littke


nae • Aug 7, 2019
No I didn't know there was one? My progesterone is pessaries though? I'm assuming they will monitor me weekly from here. I had a short cervix with my daughter but was still in the 2cm mark at 28 weeks, I just haven't had the best luck with pregnancy and starting to prepare for another NICU baby, I have 2 young kids at home and work from home so hoping I'm able to get to 32 weeks at the least! They said it's too late to stich and just trying to get more gestation out of me with the progesterone pessaries, fingers crossed.


Posted at
Thank you! They said I'm too far along to get the stitch sadly so I'm relying on the progesterone alone I'm now in prep mode of another preemie 😔