Can't orgasm + masturbation isnt fun anymore

So, I have never had sex but I do masturbate from time to time. Honestly my sex drive has never been very high. I have been masturbating for as long as I can remember and when I was younger some of my friends and I would masturbate in the same room and give eachother tips. But at that point we where to young to know to put anything in. I didn't really have access to the internet for a long time so I couldn't google these things nor did I ever realise there was a problem. Once I turned 16 masturbating slowly became less fun. By then I knew I could stick things in but whenever I tried it felt grows and turned me off. I'm 18 now and when I try to masturbate it just feels ok I usually just wind up laying there scrolling through porn trying to find anything that will exite me or trying new stuff but still never sticking anything in me bc I still hate the feeling. I also cant find my clit. Idk if I'm doing g it wrong, I want advice on how to use a vibrator bc I'm thinking of buying one, and how to make fingering myself not turn me off and. how to find the clit. I've looked up things b4 but never found anything that helped. Thx