Normal or not?


My husband of 2 years, bf of 10 years, just said, “ he doesn’t respect me right now” I’m not sure why except for the fact that I had the dog on the porch without a leash yesterday night and he Freaked out! I also coughed a lot last night and it might have woken him up. Is this normal marital stuff or is this not ok? We’ve seen counselors, not consistently because it’s often too hard for us. It sometimes gets better, the empathy part. I’ve been using this app for the last few years as we’ve been TTC for 20 months, which has been hard enough as is. It also seems like he gets a little annoyed at me as soon as I tel him about AF, that may be in my head, but I’ve had a few very late periods and it’s been emotionally draining as well. I’m wondering if this marital and TTC issues or do I need to reconsider who I’m TTC with? We’ve been together 10 years, and friends for 4 years before that, so we’re not strangers. What do y’all think?? I can’t talk to my family about it anymore and I don’t have any close friends in this city. Thank you!