How is this looking? Usually I get my period by now, I’ve have some very clear positives and a few negatives....what’s odd is that the positive ones seem to happen late in the day/at night. The ‘negative ‘ ones are just really faint and taken with fmu..


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Way too many missing temps for this chart to mean anything. You cant even tell if you are "late". Just have to wait it out and see what happens


Posted at
A lot of data missing, you didn't post tests so who knows if they were positive, and the drop towards the end of what you did log makes me think AF is on its way


Al • Aug 8, 2019
I had a bunch of positive pregnancy tests, my chart also went up since I posted. I’ll pm you


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Al • Aug 8, 2019
Even with multiple positive pregnancy tests?


🐦 • Aug 8, 2019
I would be expecting AF