Stupid question coming from a mom of 4


Ok I have 4 children. 3 were born vaginally, and my now 8 week old was born via Emergency c-section due to a umbilical cord prolapse. I was scared to death and was put to sleep without knowing if my baby was going to be alive when I woke. I was crying hysterically when they knocked me out. I woke up crying again because I was so afraid my daughter didn't make it. It was the WORST experience of my entire life. I missed her birth, and I felt like it was all my fault. But I have been having flashbacks and nightmares about it and I am wondering and please don't judge I know this sounds stupid, but can you have PTSD from a terrible delivery? Like I blacked out a lot of the memory due to anesthesia, however I keep having bits and pieces of the memories come flooding back to me like anytime. I could be sitting there alone, or out shopping, or whatever. It just hits me like a ton of bricks and I wake up scared some nights even knowing my baby is right next to me. How do I make it stop? I'm not depressed or anything. I just keep having these terrifying flashbacks and nightmares. I don't know I probably sound crazy and maybe I am. I obviously know my daughter is here and safe in my arms so why are all these things happening inside my head?