First post


I have a beautiful 3 year old girl. My partner and I started really trying in July. He has a 12 year old. We are ready to have one of our own. We basically went at it everyother day (sometimes everyday) from the end of my period and all the way through my supposed fertile window as I have two apps that tell me different dates on every thing and neither one seems spot on for even my menstrual cycle so it is a guessing game. I tracked my CM, cramps, and temp. I can't even eat right now as my nausea is peaking. Im praying this is a good sign as I have 6 days till my period. I took a preg test this morning and it came back negative as I assumed it would, but my heart broke a bit. I am keeping hope and have more stocked up. My daughter was a rainbow baby (I miscarried two days after a positive test the most painful thing physically and emotionally I've ever gone through), and I never told my family but she also had a twin who never made it to my arms. I have high hopes of us having a family but also doubt my ability to have full term pregnancies. As my nausea increases my heart flies but my pain and doubt increase as well. Do I wait to tell him till I know it is safe or do I tell him right away if I am? Any advice? Since having my daughter I have not fully tried to have another but we have had unprotected sex (usually after my suposed fertile days). I am super anxious and want to know before my missed period...