Labor nearing signs? Confused!

Ladies please help lol cause I’m sort of lost.

I’ve been to the er and they apparently aren’t to concerned And say there’s no contractions or anything but what’s some signs that labor could be near? like is in a few weeks/month? I never got to experience it with my first because I was induced that ended in a C-section so things were a little different.

I am so exhausted like i went to bed around 10 woke up around 10 something and I’m still a sluggish, I’ve had the worlds worst back ache off and on the last 2 days that feels like some one is stabbing my spinal cord on and off then my back is just sore after accompanied with a on and off again migraine, pretty nauseous that comes and goes, lots of pressure and cramps that feel like they’re inside the vagina/cervix like when mirena is placed/removed(contractions) About a week ago I was having a pinkish color discharge. No pain while peeing or anything else I’m just confused because I go to er and see the doc every week but no concerns have been said or anything else could it be because I’m repeat C-section?