Sharing apartment with friends? Is this a good move?

Girls, I need opinions! I’m 16w pregnant and looking for a place with my boyfriend. He didn’t want to move in with me even though my flatmate would only be with us for the first 2 months of the baby, because he doesn’t like her.

Now he came up with this idea of us finding a place with this couple that are his best friends, that are now planning to also have a kid in the near future.

He claims this would be good for us since I wouldn’t be isolated for the whole one year of maternity leave, we would socialize more than if we lived only us, that I would have more help and that when they have their baby, our kids would grow up together... and we can all help each other out... and most importantly, pay less money for rent since everyone is sharing.

He thinks we’re gonna be so overloaded with baby stuff that it would be good to have other people around to smooth things out. We would always be so tired that our social life will just disappear....

Do you think this is a good idea? I’m very reluctant to accept this but because I don’t want to hurt his feelings, I don’t what to say and what the cons of his idea... please help!