How income effects the likeliness of cheating in a marriage

So I was reading a article I found interesting about spouses who cheat on their spouse and how their income or how much money they make effects the likeliness of them to cheat.

One thing the article said is if the man is financially depended on the women this makes the man more likely to cheat but roles reversed women financially dependent on man she is less likely to cheat and so is he.

It also said if the women makes more money then the man then this makes the man more likely to cheat.

So pretty much what I’m getting from the article is men who feel like their wives are more successful or make more money then them for some reason feel the need to cheat on them.

I’m not saying this is true but this is pretty much what the article said and I honestly have no idea if it’s true or not. The article I was reading was based off of statistics but sorry I couldn’t remember all that to write it in here. What are your opinion on this?