Please give me some advice & no judgement cause I already feel bad enough😭

I met this girl when I was at my local slimming class. She seemed like a lovely girl and we always had a laugh in group. I stopped going to group shortly after finding out I was pregnant but she’s kept in touch since I left (10 weeks ish ago)

We spoke a little bit about mental health. I’ve suffered with mental health on and off for the last 5/6yrs now and she has borderline personality disorder.

Over the past couple of months we’ve spoke virtually every day. But sometimes I feel like she’s a bit too full on. She talks about herself all day long, I get she’s struggling & I’m there for her as much as possible. But she doesn’t help herself, doesn’t go to appointments etc, I understand she’s scared, she goes with her mom and I’ve even said if she doesn’t want to go with her mom, I’ll happily take her even if she wants me to wait outside. She also wants to text 24/7, me and my partner never even spoke that much, it’s way to much for me.

I’ve given her all of the advice I can possibly give. She has always said her friends get sick of her and stop bothering with her & I promised I never would. But I feel like it’s way to much. I’m 14 weeks pregnant, battling with my own problems after finding out my long term medication could have harmed my baby if I didn’t stop taking them etc. So ive been super stressed myself and she hasn’t actually asked how I am despite she knows what’s going on.

And tonight we were talking and she said about how nobody can help her she’s useless etc, I reassured her she’s not useless but she needs to accept the help off the professionals. And she’s like “what for so they can put me in the nut house” and I replied with “it’s not a nut house, people go there because they need help. I would rather go there and get the help I need rather than spend every day feeling like you do” and she’s not replied, so I think she’s taken offence.

Im feeling really bad. Like I probably could have worded it better. But I’m just so stressed. I have all the time in the world for anybody, and I’m all for reassuring her, but I also have the attitude you can’t help someone that won’t help them self.

Can someone please give me some advice, I’ve got enough problems of my own, I just can’t handle this.

I need to distance myself from her, but I don’t just wanna straight up block her because I feel bad. I don’t mind texting throughout the day, just not constant. It’s driving me insane.

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