Tmi 👱🏻‍♀️👨🏻

Ever since I had my dd my husband hasn’t been attracted to me. He’s been watching a lot of porn and not really even giving me attention I can’t remember the last time he kissed me with out having to ask for one or gave me a hug without me asking for one

He and I both want to try for another baby but how are we going to try if we don’t do anything.

I went upstairs earlier because I needed something from the bathroom up there and he was in the bath and I noticed he had just pleasured himself and got Immediately soft when he saw me and it didn’t use to be like that. Enough of the tmi but I’m scared he is going to cheat on me Or leave me

Let me also say I have talked to him about it and he says porn is what he’s attracted to he doesn’t like that our dd gave me stretch marks he says it looks gross. He says my leaky boobs are disgusting. I can’t help any of that

Don’t Know how many of you will read the update But I decided to take me and my dear daughter To Florida to be with family and my husband is totally okay with it and I told I want to try time apart before we get a divorce

We will be in Florida by next weekend ❤️

And thank you all you guys really made my day better and gave me courage

(08/08/19)Just found out I’m pregnant 😭 we’re still going to Florida

263 views • 2 upvotes • 14 comments



Posted at
Ask yourself, would a man ever tell the woman who CARRIED HIS CHILD that she’s disgusting because of the way her body looks after? What on earth did he expect? He’s a child and I’m fuming for you. The audacity of that asshole.


Posted at
If he is really saying those things to you, then it sounds more like a him problem and less of a you problem. He doesn’t love himself, clearly. And you can’t love someone else, if you don’t love yourself.Stretch marks & leaky boobs show that you are a badass mom who pushed a BABY OUT OF YOUR VAGINA or GOT AN INVASIVE SURGERY and had to recover while also being a badass mama! Know your worth. You are in charge of your own happiness. If he is not on board, let him go.
If he is really saying those things to you, then it sounds more like a him problem and less of a you problem. He doesn’t love himself, clearly. And you can’t love someone else, if you don’t love yourself.Stretch marks & leaky boobs show that you are a badass mom who pushed a BABY OUT OF YOUR VAGINA or GOT AN INVASIVE SURGERY and had to recover while also being a badass mama! Know your worth. You are in charge of your own happiness. If he is not on board, let him go.


Katie • Aug 8, 2019
Yes! I think having a csection makes you even more of a badass! Having to recover from a surgery while also going through everything that it takes to care for a newborn? Incredible!


Sarah • Aug 8, 2019
I agree: 36 hours of labour ending in a c section and so lovely to have someone acknowledge that it deserves as much recognition as a ‘natural’ birth.


Leah • Aug 8, 2019
LOVE that you called out us Csection mamas. I was lucky (sarcasm) and had to go through 30 hours of labor AND a CSection


Posted at
Wow I was about to stand up for him a little about not having much of a sex drive until I read that last part. I'm sorry but it makes me sick to think he said that to you. I'm sure a lot of us aren't looking our best right now but your man should be making you feel better about yourself not worse. I wish I could tell you what you should do but I really have no idea. He should have just kept those thoughts to himself.


Posted at
That is absolutely disgusting of him!!!! Like beyond awful!!!


Posted at
Such a looser! You are a beautifull person and those stretch marks are not grose they are a memory what your body went trough to give you your little miracle. And those leaky boobs nurish your little one to be a healthy strong person one day. Dont let him put you down and dont even think having another baby with a person like that. Hold on to your LO that is one great thing that came out of a very bad relationship obviously! A person should never say something like that to anyone and obviously not to a woman he loves and who gave him a baby! Stay strong and be with your family if you can. Your baby will learn only bad from a person like this so dont let that happen!


Posted at
If he’s saying that shit I would immediately go out and show him a lot of men don’t care about it at all. What a useless piece of shit. Do yourself and your daughter a favor and find a better man. He can pay child support, and see her on the weekends if he’s lucky.


🦄 • Aug 8, 2019
I guess he better enjoy the porn cuz that’s the last I’d ever have to do with him honestly.


Posted at
He doesn't appreciate you. He is shallow and a disgusting excuse of a man, sorry not sorry. Girl, you can do so much better! Know your worth and get away from him, hes a dickhead..


Posted at
what the fuck.......literally what everyone else said. you just had a baby. I absolutely dont understand his logic. you are a mother and a woman. but he is not a man. I am disgusted by everything he has said to you. get away from him, you don't need that kind of negativity! you are beautiful and worthy. you deserve better! how can you share a life with someone like that. 🥺 I'm sorry