
hi ladies i’m currently 2 months pregnant on my first child and I want to know what you guys think is a good amount to set aside each month to prepare for just the baby (no medical)

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Start buying diapers and wipes now! Even if it’s a small package. They’ll need tons of them and having a small stockpile ahead of time is great.


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We havent set aside a specific amount each month, but we've slowly started purchasing items. I'd suggest making a specific list of what you *know* you will buy (ex: 10 size 3month sleepers, 2 sleep sacks, 1 carrier, 1 umbrella stroller, 4 crib mattresses, 1 snot sucker, ect), and then begin looking at the prices of those things, and finding the least expensive option. Then you can see the real amount of money you'll be dealing with. If saving money is a priority for you, remember that almost everything baby needs can be bought used, and they are perfectly safe and clean. You can save a LOT of $$$ this way.


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Do you mean set aside to purchase the necessities for your baby or for after baby is born to purchase things like diapers, toys, and clothing as they grow?


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I started buying two packs of preemie diapers (my babies are small), 4 packs of newborns, and 4 packs of size 1. I did 2 packs every check. I also bought individual packs of wipes of the brands that didn't irritate my daughters bums. I also out aside 50-75 a check for larger items down the road. We aren't doing a nursery so that was a huge chunk we didn't have to budget in. Just doing essentials. We aren't struggling but currently trying to pay off both vehicles by March so we are just putting most of our extra cash into that.