**FTM HERE** 😰

Ashley • 30. Marine Wife. MMC 11/13/18 👼. 🌈 👶🏻 8/29/19 MC 12/15/20 👼 🌈👶🏻 11/24/21

I had my 36 weeks appointment today which went okay, Hailee is still breech and doesn't look like she plans on moving, my fluid is low again down to a 7 so I have to do routine ultrasounds weekly to check it to make sure it doesn't drop below 5. As of right now we are going to be scheduling a csection just waiting for the scheduler to call. A lot of emotions right now but I know we are in good hands and she will come out safe. Trying to control my stress and anxiety but it’s so hard! I’m terrified and have a million thoughts and emotions running through my head! Any advice would be appreciated! ❤️🙏🏼