I’m kinda freaked out

My brother (22) just came into the kitchen and told me he heard skyward sword coming from my room, and asked to borrow it. I told him I didn’t know where the game was, I’ve never played it, but if I find it, I’d let him borrow it. So I look through my room for the case, and it’s under my covers underneath my clothes. Opening the case, the disk is gone. Again, I NEVER opened the game. I go to my Wii, AND ITS IN THERE.

How did he know I had the game? Why was it in my Wii, and WHY do I have a feeling he was going through my room while I wasn’t home? Im 19, he has no business snooping though my shit. If he thinks I’m hiding anything, he’s VERY mistaken. This just adds to the creepy shit, like asking my friends if I’m sexually actively with my boyfriend, specifically asking blunt force if I’m having sex. What the fuck dude?