Hubby's Reaction to his "birthday present".


So my husband's birthday is Aug 20. He will be 37. I found out (for sure) this morning that I am in fact pregnant with our first child. I had tested Monday 8/5 because I was a little late and suspected I might be pregnant. It was negative, although I could swear I saw a very very faint line when I held it up to a light. Then today 8/7 I tested again because I'm 6 days late at this point. Low and behold there is a definite light pink line. I grab the digital and take it too! Positive!!!

I secretly wrapped it up and presented it as an early birthday present. I told him "the rest of it had been ordered but wouldn't arrive until after his birthday". 😁 I got him good! 🤣 He was soooo excited!!! I videotaped him. Here are screenshots of his reaction.