Long Lasting Trauma

Im 17. Throughout my life starting from when I was 6yrs old I have been a victim of sexual abuse. I was first molested on going by another minor who was a friend of the family when I was 6. At 10 I was groped by a neighbors son who attempted to rape me he 13. And when I was 13 I was raped. At 16 I was touched inappropriately by a cousin and it caused me to kind of spazz out. I also became pregnant at 16 by my boyfriend (who I am still with currently) and had a miscarriage before my 17th birthday. I went through all of this completely alone and haven’t told anyone except for my boyfriend and my sister about what has happened to me. I often spiral into very deep bouts of depression and each time it’s harder and harder to get out of. I don’t sleep at night and I sleep all day. Sometimes I barely eat and I feel like the things that have happened to me haunt me. I’m not sure what to do