Birth Story Timeline 😍 0807


33 weeks - I was experiencing some bad itching. Due to my co-worker saying she experienced that before, I mentioned it to my doctor. That same day, they called and said, you need to come in and get some blood drawn. So, I did the next day.

34 weeks- A week goes by and the itching gets worse. My doctor never called me back with the results so, I reached out to her nurse. The doctor still hadn't reviewed them so, I was advised she was going to give me a call. I got a call back to pick up a prescription at the pharmacy. I was nervous.

I had an appointment coming up that week so, I waited to see what was going on. My doctor told me I had Cholestasis. The SAME thing my co-worker had. I was to be induced in two weeks. My nerves were so bad.

I was very upset with this information because my first son spent some time in the NICU and for all NICU mom's out there, you know how it feels to carry a baby for however long and know they won't be coming home with you. It's heartbreaking. I didn't want this for my second child but if he had to come out, I'd do what I have to.

That same day, I got a call with my induction date. Aug 6.

36 weeks -The weeks roll by and it's time for me to be induced. We were some what on a time crunch but still made it happen. I made it to the hospital by 8:30 due to my room not being ready at 8. Still didn't get to my room until 9:30pm. Of course I had to eat so, an 8pm induction turned into 10pm easy.

11pm, they checked me and I was 50% effaced and 3 cm dilated. I wasn't anything at my last visit so, that was a shock to me and my doctor. Around 12, they gave me one dose of cydotec to soften my cervix.

0807 @ 4:30am, they started me on pitocin. Literally, I max my pitocin with no cervical changes or dialation until about 1:30pm. Nurses come and say they are gonna take me off pitocin and the monitors for about 30 mins to give me a break until my doctor comes in to see me.

2pm, my Dr. Comes in and she checks me. I'm at 5 cm. So I finally progressed. She's like let's break your water and start your pitocin over. Maybe we can get the ball rolling and boy did it!!

5pm, the contractions have finally gotten stronger and about 3-4 mins apart. I assumed it would be another three hours or so before I give birth to baby.. Man was I wrong. As soon as 5:10pm hit, it was like my body went into complete labor. The contractions were about 1 min apart and they hurt like hell!!

6:15pm, I'm telling them so many times I have to push and the one nurse just kept saying breathe through them. She didn't hear me apparently but, shit got really real. I started getting contractions which really really made me push! It wasn't until I was peeing on myself that they called the doctor. I told her again, I have to push. And she just kept saying breathe and I just kept repeating myself. The moment I saw my doctor face, I said it one last time, I turned off my knees due to feeling the babies head being between my legs and literally before the could really even set anything up, the baby was already in my doctors hands. They were like you weren't playing. With no pushing help at all, I just delivered baby boy Jylin.

My ALL Natural delivery. Besides the normal pains of delivery, I feel amazing 😋

My baby boy was born at 6:37pm 6lbs 15 oz ❤️