TMI...weird urine smell? 26 weeks

Kylie • Crunchy momma 🍃 On my 4th pregnancy🤰🏻 One living rainbow child 🌈 MTHFR homozygous fighter 🙌🏼

So I’m 26 weeks pregnant and woke up to some cramping (normal for me, mostly)

But noticed a STRONG smell when I sat on the toilet.

I thought it was my son’s old diaper somewhere but it was ME!

It smells nothing like yeast (I’ve had a yeast infection before) it almost smells like very old urine almost like ammonia?

Well along with the cramping, it’s just freaky....

(Side note:I went into preterm labor last pregnancy at 26 weeks)

Is this normal? I drank a ton of water and will continue to do so but even when I know I’m very dehydrated, I’ve never experienced this.

I also have had random nausea today and what feels like bowel/diarrhea cramps but no #2