Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers

Bex • Life...uh...finds a way 🦖

All yesterday I had a high fever and shaking chills. My fever finally broke at 6am at 102°. I wasn't sick. Then at 10 this morning, I started having intense pelvic pressure and lower back pain coming in waves.

I am sitting in the hospital right now having contractions and in labor. Having bleeding and cervix is 1cm dilated. They gave me morphine and an IV. I'm 16 weeks today. If they can't stop labor, then my little girl will be born sleeping.

UPDATE @4:23PM: I'm admitted to L&D. I got up to go pee and started gushing blood, like running down my legs and all over the floor. Then I passed a massive blood clot the size of a golf ball. Cervix is still dilated but contractions have lessened in intensity and length since given morphine and an IV. Baby girl is still alive and moving. She was actually kicking my cervix. Not helping me at the moment.