

I’m 40 weeks today and just had my appointment with my midwife and my cervix is closed. All I’ve been doing is bouncing on the yoga ball, walking, pumping and trying to have as much sex as my exhausted husband can give me. I have an appointment next week to check again and if nothing progresses they’ll monitor me and induce me on the 20th. I’m just so uncomfortable and want to meet my little girl 😢💔

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5 days overdue and I may murder the next person who texts me saying ‘any news?’. Like yeah, I had a baby, just didn’t tell anyone - piss off the lotta ya! 😂


Zoë • Aug 9, 2019


Shivy 🇬🇧💖💖 • Aug 9, 2019
Omg for that reason I’ve now left my phone on silent just ignore people.


Posted at
Hang in there Mama. My due date is tomorrow, no signs of anything happening. What keeps me going is that this is the "easy" part. The calm before the storm. The last few days of life as you know it now. Take every extra hour as extra ME time :) Hang in there August Mamas!!!


Posted at
I’m now 1 day soon to 2 days over due 🤦🏽‍♀️I had my midwife appointment today and she said to go to the supermarket and get a whole fresh pineapple 🍍 and cut it up eat it all as this will help ripen the cervix, this was weird because my Nana and her sister said the same thing last night so far I have eaten the lot so let’s see what happens. Good luck ladies I hope your beautiful babies come soon. Xx


Posted at
Stimulate ur nipples in between ur fingers not too hard but a lil pressure you'll get cramps continue your cramps will eventually get stronger n consistent n keep stimulating I was n same boat with my first I did this the night of my appointment went in was in active labor and had her next day


Shivy 🇬🇧💖💖 • Aug 9, 2019
Yep 👍🏽 ok that’s gonna be my next step I just need baby girl to come now, Thanks for this tip.