Long day 😓🤕



I started lightly bleeding on Friday evening, went for my blood test yesterday and they called still morning saying they have dropped to 9, which obviously means no pregnancy 💔 I still have so many questions, my main one is that does me bleeding mean my body is going through the process of loosing it? Because it just feels like my period? If anything lighter?


So im 18, my boyfriend and I found out I was pregnant on Sunday.

I Had my first appointment today for my first pregnancy... everything was going well, had lots of tests and checks done, and it came to the scan 🙂 i was told I’m 5 weeks 1 day so there wouldn’t be much to see but there

would be something, I had an internal scan and she could see anything. She was looking around for minutes and ministers and she stop.

She told me that as it so early it’s possible she just can’t see it so she sent me to a hospital to get a better scan as she wanted to check that it’s not an ectopic pregnancy, but she said not to worry.

My boyfriend and I went to the hospital ASAP and when we got there the women said that the doctor who does the scans had gone home and told us to wait. So we waited. I got called in for a few question by a nurse and she told me to pee in a pot so she could do a test. I had already had this done at the Bpas and it was positive ( like the 10 clear blue tests I took at home!) she came back in and told me it was negative and asked me wether they tested me early in which I told her yes.

She then let my boyfriend come in and told me I was going to have a blood test, which I was very stressed about as it was my first and I hate needles! But it was absolutely fine. We then waited again for the doctor to do an exam to see for any signs of an eptopic pregnancy.

She took us into a room and explain that the blood results would take a bit longer so I could have the exam or go home and wait.. OBVIOUSLY I had the exam 😂 we went in and she did a swap and (I don’t know what the medical term is) but had a good feel up there. And then sent me home.

I called an hour later for my results and they said they were at 28 and they want to do another in 48 hours to get an average.

I never really got any answers and I don’t know wether to worry. If anyone had gone through this or anything similar I would love to hear some story’s.. however they ended. I am aware it will probably end not as nice as it could..