Overdoing it?

Mercedes • 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

My newborn is 6 days old. Its been the craziest week since I got home. They told me not to lift more than a gallon of milk but I have an almost 30 pound toodler home with me, I need to get him into his crib, get him into his high chair. There are times when he just wants to be held. On top of that I'm carrying my baby around in his carseat for appointments and everything, and on top of THAT, my SO works from 6 pm to 6 am. So he sleeps most of the day then is at work all night. I'm handling it but I'm stressed. With my first I didnt have to do anything after giving birth. I stayed with my mom and she helped so much, made sure I never overdid it. It's not my SOs fault, I get that he's so tired when hes home, this morning I was letting my dog out and a huge wasp flew right on my head, I moved a little too quick, and hurt my back so bad, I've been having sharp cramps, sometimes in the middle of the night they get so bad I cant lay down to sleep. It hurt so bad I could barely walk around today with my newborn. I plan on calling my doctor in the morning but what can actually happen if you overdo it? I mean I dont know how to be more careful about it, having to take care of my babies, The house, our animals. Any advice from moms who have been in a similar situation is appreciated. 🙏🏽❤