Fuck me in the fucking ear

So anxiety and depression are back. Super fun stuff. I’m on anxiety level 100. I am scared to eat food Incase I happen to be allergic to it. Including the things that I have eaten for years. Makes no sense, trust me Ik.

(I’ve had many allergic reactions with food where my throat starts to close so now it’s currently a big fear of mine even though I developed it now instead of 6 months ago which was the last time that happened)

Also anxious about taking an anxiety medication that I’ve also taken b4. What the fuck. My hands are legit shaking.

When I’m not anxious I get depressed. So maybe I wouldn’t call this depression but I just get sad. Like I’ve had depression once before and it wasn’t suicidal bad, but it was were I wouldn’t eat anything, wouldn’t talk, slept all day, type of thing. But that’s not me rn thank god.

Oh yup, and here comes the chest pain and feeling like I can’t breathe. Lovely. I am truly fucking mental oh my god.