Mucus plug/bloody show??

Jordyn • Marine Vet Wife • Fur Baby Mama • Angel baby Elijah 8.15.18💙 Baby #2 due 8.15.19💛

I had a cervical check yesterday around 11:30am. She said my cervix is tilted to my left, it hurt so bad while she was checking. Had a pea size maybe of spotting right after but then nothing the rest of the day. Woke up at 4am to pee and this was when I wiped.

I’m 39 weeks, 30-40% thinned at my appointment. Is this the start of my bloody show or just mucus plug?

I’ve been in prodromal labor since 36 weeks and I’m so tired of waiting and being in pain. I really really hope this is it 😩😩😭

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