My September baby turned into an August baby

Rachael • 🌈 👶 born 8/6/19

Bo Mackenzie arrived unexpectedly (with no explanation) on Tuesday morning at 34wks4days gestation. Labor and delivery were super quick, no epidural or pain meds were required and this little one was out in 2 pushes (delivering the placenta was more work than the baby 🤷‍♀️). The birth went 0% as we expected (why do I even make plans?? 🙈). Bo weighed 4lbs 4.2oz at birth and had an apgar score of 8 ❤️. We are still in the NICU and will be for a bit but were able to come off C-PAP in 24 hrs. I think it'll take us a while to come off the feeding tube but for a 34 weeker Bo is doing great! We are sooo in love.